Work on marketing plan to continue next Monday

Bicyclists, retirees, and family vacationers were named as the top target groups for a Greene County marketing plan. Almost 40 persons attended a meeting in June to begin discussing how best to market the county, and who should be the target audience. The discussion will continue next Monday, July 14, at 6 pm in the downstairs Business Centre at the Sierra Community Theatre in Jefferson.

Rick Hunsaker, Region XII Council of Governments executive director, moderated the June 23 meeting. Ken Paxton, Greene County Development Corp executive director, also spoke, and Greene County Chamber president Ben Yoder explained the roles of the Chamber, Jefferson Matters: Main Street and GCDC .

Those at the meeting created lists of the county’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A long list of strengths included the schools and medical center, a variety of parks and recreational facilities, successful manufacturers, tourist attractions (Bell Tower, RVP~1875, Gallup House, etc), a strong art community, and high visibility in the state, among other things.

Perceived weaknesses were a shortage of housing for sale or rent, a shortage of childcare, a lack of youth involvement in community projects, and a lack of activities for young families, and more.

Threats listed were a lack of funding for projects, a lack of volunteers, retail leakage to businesses outside the county, housing availability outside the county, and the departure of high school graduates.

Opportunities included the traffic flow on Highways 4 and 30; ag tourism; activities that can draw from nearby communities; future casino funds; expansion by Hy-Vee, Greene County Medical Center and Wild Rose Jefferson; and more.

Those at the meeting named 10 different population segments marketing could be focused upon, and then prioritized them. Those rankings are: 1)bike riders/outdoor recreation; 2) retired travelers/ RV’ers/Red Hat groups; 3) campers/family vacations; 4) gamers/ casino patrons; 5) bus tours / bank sponsored tours/ event planners; 6) young families on vacation; 7) art lovers/ those interested in cultural activities; 8) car clubs/ classic cars/ motorcycle clubs; 9) veterans; and 10) alumni / class reunions/ recent graduates.

Amy Rubel, vice president of operations and marketing for Wild Rose Casino, was at the meeting to begin conversation about how casino marketing can interface with marketing Greene County. Rubel is enthusiastic about the potential for Greene County and the casino, particularly given the location at the intersection of two highways. She spoke highly of the Mahanay Bell Tower, and is particularly drawn to the rooftop art project underway by the Jefferson Matters Tower View Team.

Rubel suggested that the group consider having a video promoting the county made professionally and that either paid persons or volunteers staff a booth at conferences and trade shows with the video and other information. She suggested that when gaming proceeds are available from Wild Rose Jefferson, a video should be a high priority.

Paxton hopes to have a marketing plan for the county ready to roll out in January.

The July 14 meeting is open to the public, including those who did not attend the June meeting. Discussion will focus on what selling messages would be differentiate Greene County from other counties or locations, and which of the target groups best match the county’s assets. The best communication channels to use will also be discussed.

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